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Let's face, it exploring your life and what is currently holding you back can be nerve-racking. Rest assured, that this is a judgment-free zone. There is nothing you have done, said, or experienced that will surprise us or make us think less of you as a person. Our ideas or personal beliefs will not be forced on you. As a therapist, the job is to help you identify the areas that are holding you back and walk with you as you improve your life.


Does the word "therapy" or "counseling" bring on feelings of anxiety for you or are you curious about what sessions will look like? Either way, below you will find a little about what to expect from a session with a WHO K.NEW counselor. 

FREE Phone Consultation

A brief 15-20 minute phone conversation to see if we are a good fit.

Intake Session

The first session will last around 60-75 minutes. This session will cover intake paperwork as well as discuss therapeutic goals.

Therapy Sessions

Therapy sessions will be 50 minutes. We will discuss current issues as well as evaluate how you are progressing to reach your therapeutic goals. 


WHO K.NEW offers counseling sessions to 

those who are 13+ years old and are in Texas.

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